List Of Phobias
1. Aeroplanes or Flying or Air - Aerophobia or Pterophobia
2. Animals - Zoophobia
3. Beard - Callophobia
4. Beauty - Pogonphobia
5. Bees - Apiophobia or Melissophobia
6. Birds - Ornithophobia
7. Birth - Genophobia
8. Blood - Haemophobia or Haematophobia
9. Bridges or Crossing - Gephyrophobia
10. Breasts - Mastophobia
11. Burglars - Scelerophobia
12. Burial Alive - Taphephobia
13. Cancer - Cancerophobia or Carcinophobia
14. Cats - Gettophobia or Ailurophobia
15. Change - Neophobia
16. Child Birth - Maieusiophobia
17. Children - Paedophobia
18. Churches - Ecclesiophobia
19. Cold - Psychrophobia or Cryophobia
20. Colours - Chromophobia
21. Crossing the road - Agyrophobia
22. Crowds - Ochlophobia or Demophobia
23. Cyclones - Anemophobia
24. Darkness - Scotophobia or Nyctophobia
25. Death or Dead Bodies - Necrophobia or Thanatophobia
26. Demons - Demonophobia
27. Depths - Bathophobia
28. Deserts or Dry Places - Xerophobia
29. Dirt - Rupophobia or Mysophobia
30. Disease - Pathophobia
31. Doctors - Iatrophobia
32. Dogs - Cynophobia
33. Drinking or Drunkenness - Dipsophobia
34. Emptiness - Kenophobia
35. Enclosures or Confined Places - Claustrophobia or Clithrophobia
36. Everything - Pantophobia
37. Eyes - Ophthalmophobia
38. Fear - Phobophobia
39. Faeces - Coprophobia
40. Feet - Podophobia
41. Filth - Mysophobia
42. Fire - Pyrophobia
43. Fish - Ichthyophobia
44. Flowers and Plants - Anthophobia
45. Flying - Aerophobia or Aviatophobia
46. Fog - Homichlophobia
47. Food - Cibophobia
48. Foreigners - Xenophobia
49. Freaks - Teratophobia
50. Frogs - Batrachophobia
51. Fur - Doraphobia
52. Germs - Microbiophobia
53. Ghosts - Phasmophobia
54. Hands - Chirophobia
55. Hair - Trichophobia
56. Heat - Thermophobia
57. Heights - Acrophobia
58. Hell - Stygiophobia
59. Horses - Hippophobia or Equinophobia
60. Hurricanes and Tornadoes - Litapsophobia
61. Illness - Nosophobia or Pathophobia
62. Injections - Trypanophobia
63. Injury - Traumatophobia
64. Insects - Entomophobia
65. Knives - Aichmophobia
66. Knowledge - Gnosiophobia
67. Large Things - Megalophobia
68. Light - Photophobia
69. Lightning - Astraphobia or Keraunophobia
70. Lizards or Reptiles - Herpetophobia
71. Loneliness - Monophobia
72. Madness - Maniaphobia or Iyssophobia
73. Many Things - Polyphobia
74. Marriage - Gamophobia
75. Medicine - Pharmacophobia
76. Men - Androphobia
77. Mice - Musophobia
78. Mirrors - Spectrophobia
79. Mobs - Ochlophobia
80. Motherhood - Metrophobia
81. Motion - Kinesophobia
82. Nakedness - Gymnophobia
83. Name or Particular Word - Onomatophobia
84. Needles - Belonophobia
85. Newness - Neophobia
86. Night - Nyctophobia
87. Noise - Phonophobia
88. Number or Numbers - Numerophobia
89. Oceans - Thalassophobia
90. Odours - Osmophobia
91. Old Age - Gerascophobia
92. Old Men - Gerontophobia
93. Open Places - Agorophobia or Cenophobia
94. Pain - Algophobia or Odynophobia
95. Particular Place - Topophobia
96. People - Demophobia
97. People and Social Situations - Anthropophobia or Sociophobia
98. Plants - Botanophobia
99. Pleasure - Hedonophobia
100. Poisoning - Toxicophobia or Iophobia
101. Poverty - Peniophobia
102. Pregnancy - Maieusiophobia
103. Priests - Hierophobia
104. Prostitutes - Pornophobia
105. Punishment - Poinophobia
106. Rain - Ombrophobia
107. Red - Erythrophobia
108. Rivers - Potamophobia
109. Robbers - Harpaxophobia
110. Sameness - Homophobia
111. Sea - Thalassophobia
112. Self - Autophobia
113. Sex - Genophobia
114. Sexual Intercouse - Coitophobia
115. Sharks - Galeophobia
116. Skin - Dermatophobia
117. Sleep - Hypnophobia
118. Small Things - Microphobia
119. Smothering - Pnigerophobia
120. Snakes - Ophiophobia
121. Snow - Chinophobia
122. Solitude - Autophobia or Monophobia
123. Sounds - Acousticophobia
124. Space - Astrophobia
125. Speaking Aloud - Phobophobia
126. Speaking, Public Speaking - Lalophobia or Glossophobia
127. Speech - Logophobia
128. Speed - Tacophobia
129. Spiders - Arachnophobia or Arachnaphobia
130. Stairs - Climacophobia
131. Stars - Siderophobia
132. Stillness - Eremiophobia
133. Strangers - Xenophobia
134. Streets or Crossing Streets - Dromophobia
135. Strength - Sthenophobia
136. Study - Logophobia
137. Sunlight - Heliophobia
138. Surgery - Ergasiophobia or Tomophobia
139. Tape Worms - Taeniophobia
140. Taste - Geumophobia
141. Teeth - Odontophobia
142. Telling Lies - Mythophobia
143. Termites - Isopterphobia
144. Thieves - Kleptophobia
145. Thinking - Phronemophobia
146. Thirst - Dipsophobia
147. Thirteen (13) - Triskaidekaphobia
148. Thunder - Brontophobia or Tonitrophobia
149. Time - Chronophobia
150. Togetherness - Synophobia
151. Trains - Siderodromophobia
152. Travel - Hodophobia
153. Ugliness - Cacophobia
154. Unpleasant Body Odours - Bromidrosiphobia
155. Voices - Phemophobia
156. Vomiting - Emitophobia
157. Walking - Basiphobia
158. Watching - Scoptophobia
159. Water or Wetness - Hydrophobia or Aquaphobia
160. Weakness - Asthenophobia
161. Wealth - Plutophobia
162. Wind - Anemophobia
163. Women - Gynophobia
164. Words - Logophobia
165. Work - Ergophobia
166. Worms - Helminthophobia or Scoileciphobia
167. Writing - Graphophobia
Great collection!!
very knowledgable collection useful for psychology students also as me
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